One More Data Analytic Tool coming soon in Market from Google
Earlier this year, as part of the Google Analytics 360 Suite announcement , we unveiled a new data visualization and reporting platform for large enterprises — Data Studio 360 . Yesterday, at the Google Performance Summit, we announced a free version of Data Studio for individuals and smaller teams. Data Studio lets you connect to all your marketing data and turn that data into beautiful, informative reports that are easy to understand, share, and fully customizable. We wanted to take a moment to give you some of the details about Data Studio. Making it easy to share data within your organization — or with the world One of the fundamental ideas behind Data Studio is that data should be easily accessible to anyone in an organization. We believe that as more people have access to data, better decisions will be made. With multiple data connectors, you can now easily create dashboards from many different types of data and share with everyone in your organization -...